The Mummy and the Milf

The Mummy and the Milf

June 20, 2021

The Mummy appeared suddenly, wreaking havoc and grabbing innocents in ancient bandage bondage, but then the Milf suddenly appeared to challenge the monster!

I want to play about in creating some sexy action scenes and posters, cool people against sexy monsters! I think I’m going to do a wee bit of a recurring setting, basically on Action Hero Planet where there’s tonnes of badasses and mofos fighting off the unexplained random monster appearances.

I talked to some people on discord and we came up with a wee bit of a discussion game to create the characters and debate who would win. I think I’ll do a pic from this setting every so often, and if there’s any matchups made in discord I can pick from that list each time 🙂

Mummy, Milf, Action
Discord Chat